Oh look, December. What happened?

I don’t know why I simply stopped journaling here. The outlet was certainly needed, I have been something akin to sad all year.

A recap is on order, yes? In April I went to Maui, stayed at Kihei. Did shrooms for the first time. In June I went to Maui with Jeremy. He got divorced, but why let a perfectly good trip go to waste? Then there was Element 11 with Desi. The wind ate my nice pagoda EZ up. Alas. Fire Tribe was great, but it was too darn hot. Burning Man was tough, and I really don’t want to go anymore, not unless I can get better support. I was ill most of the time. The kidlets don’t know or understand. Then I went to Vegas for Turkey Day, a great trip with tiki bars and drag brunches.

And now? Getting the decorations up, but not the roof, as usual. I just feel so alone. Desi and Noelle help a lot, and I am thankful for their time and love. But. But. But Larry isn’t here and nothing is the same. I’m doing much better, except on the days when I am not.

No movies, no massages. The VA screwed me over. The neighbors abandoned their little calico. That’s a heap of drama included domestic abuse, financial abuse, attempted murder, and ungrateful children. No painting or baking.

Still, I am warm, my bills get paid, there’s food in the house. The trash goes out and the laundry gets done. The cats are spoiled. Life is alright.

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